What is Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction(PUJO)?

Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction (PUJO) is a common condition in pediatric urology, often present at birth and diagnosed in infancy or early childhood. It is characterized by a blockage at the junction where the renal pelvis meets the ureter, leading to impaired urine flow from the kidney to the bladder. This obstruction can result in the dilation of the renal pelvis (hydronephrosis) and can affect kidney function if not managed appropriately.

Causes of Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction(PUJO)

  • Intrinsic Factors:Abnormal development of the muscle or mucosa of the ureter.
  • Extrinsic Factors: External compression by aberrant blood vessels, commonly an accessory renal artery.
  • Genetic Factors: There may be a genetic predisposition to developing PUJO.

Symptoms of Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction(PUJO)

Symptoms of PUJO in children can vary widely. Some children may remain asymptomatic, while others may exhibit symptoms such as:

  • Pain may come and go, often related to fluid intake or activity..
  • Presence of blood in the urine.
  • Recurrent UTIs due to stagnant urine.
  • Poor growth in infants due to chronic illness.
  • Enlarged kidney due to severe hydronephrosis.

Diagnosis of Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction(PUJO)

Diagnosing PUJO in children involves a series of imaging and functional tests:

  • Prenatal Ultrasound: Many cases are detected during routine prenatal ultrasound scans showing hydronephrosis.
  • Postnatal Ultrasound: Follow-up imaging after birth to assess the extent of hydronephrosis..
  • Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG): Excludes vesicoureteral reflux (VUR).
  • Magnetic Resonance Urography (MRU): Non-invasive imaging providing detailed views of the urinary tract.
  • Renal Scintigraphy (MAG3): Evaluates kidney function and drainage, crucial for determining the severity of obstruction.

Treatment of PUJO

The treatment approach depends on the severity of the obstruction and the symptoms:

  • Observation: Mild cases with minimal symptoms and no significant impact on kidney function may be managed conservatively with regular monitoring, including repeat ultrasounds and renal scans.
  • Pyeloplasty: The gold standard treatment for significant PUJO. The procedure involves removing the obstructed segment and reconstructing the junction to allow free urine flow. It can be performed using open, laparoscopic, or robotic-assisted techniques.
  • Endopyelotomy: A less common, minimally invasive procedure where an incision is made in the obstructed area to widen it. Suitable for select cases.

Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction (PUJO) is a significant condition in pediatric urology, requiring careful diagnosis and management. Early detection and appropriate intervention are crucial in preventing long-term kidney damage and ensuring normal growth and development in affected children. Regular follow-up is necessary to monitor the success of treatment and maintain kidney health. If anyone you know is experiencing Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction (PUJO), it is important to consult Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar the best urologist in lucknow for Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction (PUJO) treatment.