What is Urinary Tract Infection(UTI)

As the name suggest a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection that occurs in any part of the urinary tract. UTIs are typically caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract through the urethra and multiplying in the bladder. UTIs are more common in women than in men due to the shorter length of the urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder. However, anyone can develop a UTI.Treatment typically involves antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider. If you suspect you have a UTI contact Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar best urologist in lucknow because untreated infections can lead to more severe complications and as we know kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are all part of the urinary system, it may cause kidney infections or bladder infections.

Signs & Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection(UTI)

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI)::

Key Symptoms

  • Pain or Burning Sensation During Urination: One of the most common symptoms of a UTI is a burning sensation or pain when you urinate.
  • Frequent Urination: You may feel the need to urinate more often than usual, even if your bladder isn't full.
  • Urgency to Urinate: Along with increased frequency, you may also experience a strong urge to urinate.
  • Cloudy or Strong-Smelling Urine: Urine affected by a UTI can appear cloudy. It may also have a strong, unpleasant odor.
  • Blood in Urine (Hematuria):: Sometimes, a UTI can cause blood to appear in the urine. This may give the urine a pink, red, brownish appearance.
  • Pelvic Pain or Pressure: Some individuals with UTIs may experience discomfort or pressure in the lower abdomen or pelvic region.
  • Fever and Chills: f a UTI spreads to the kidneys or causes a more severe infection, you may develop a fever or experience chills.

It's important to note that not everyone with a UTI will experience all of these symptoms. If you suspect you have a UTI because Untreated UTIs can lead to more serious complications,you can reach out to Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar best urologist in lucknow for UTI treatment.

Cause of Urinary Tract Infection(UTI)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are primarily caused by bacteria, most commonly Escherichia coli (E. coli). When these crystals build togther they form a hard mass in our kidney resulting in a Kidney Stone.Various factors can contribute to the development of kidney stones, including:

Possible Causes

  • Sexual Activity: Sexual activity, particularly in women, can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract.
  • Urinary Tract Obstruction: Anything that obstructs the flow of urine, such as kidney stones or an enlarged prostate, can increase the risk of UTIs by trapping bacteria in the urinary tract.
  • Suppressed Immune System: Conditions or medications that weaken the immune system, such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, or chemotherapy, can increase susceptibility to UTIs.
  • Use of Certain Birth Control Methods:Diaphragms, spermicides, and unlubricated condoms can increase bacterial growth in the urinary tract.
  • Menopause: Decreased estrogen levels after menopause can alter the vaginal environment, making it more conducive to bacterial growth and increasing the risk of UTIs in women.
  • Anatomy: In women, the shorter length of the urethra makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder. In men, prostate enlargement can lead to incomplete bladder emptying, increasing the risk of UTIs.

Why Choose Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar for Urinary Tract Infection(UTI) Treatment

Choosing the right doctor for urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment is important. Dr.Aditya P.S Sengar is the best urologist in lucknow for urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment . Dr. Aditya Sengar is a preferred choice for urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment for several reasons:

  • Dr. Aditya P.S. Sengar specializes in treating UTIs. He knows best practices for managing UTIs effectively.
  • Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar can conduct a thorough evaluation to diagnose the UTI accurately.
  • Based on the diagnosis, Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar can develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
  • If your UTI requires additional evaluation or treatment from other doctor, Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar can facilitate that too.
  • Positive reviews and recommendations from previous patients speaks volumes about Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar

Treatments Offered by Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar for Urinary Tract Infection(UTI)


Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar may prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial UTIs. The choice of antibiotic will depend on factors such as the type of bacteria causing the infection, the severity of symptoms, and any underlying health conditions.

Management of Underlying Conditions

If an underlying condition such as kidney stones or an enlarged prostate is contributing to recurrent UTIs, Dr. Aditya P.S Sengar may recommend appropriate treatment or management strategies to address these issues.